Unexplained infertility….. ivf and me

Unexplained infertility….. ivf and me

unexplained infertility is living your life in two week waits . It’s being jealous of people who can conceive naturally. It’s wondering year after year if this will be your year. It’s the emotional physical and mental toll that trying to conceive takes out of you , your life , your relationship and your plans for a family. Christmas’s , birthdays and holiday seasons are yet another reminding of what you don’t have. If any of this relates to you then I see you . I was 37 when ivf was finally a success for us . Unexplained infertility was heartbreaking. No explanation. No reason . No diagnosis. To anyone embarking on fertility treatment , or your on multiple transfers , pupo , transfer waits …. Whatever the stage of your journey , your welcome here 




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